Meet sweet handsome Dodger. He is about 8-yrs- old. This well-mannered indoor cat chose his current family himself. With an injured leg, he walked up to their door, thru their house and into their lives, t hat was 7 yrs ago. His family is devastated they have to give him up but some newly diagnosed pet allergies are making it impossible for them to keep him. Dodger is neutered and healthy. His family says he’s a really good boy who loves to lie in the sun and play with his toy mice. He lived peacefully with a small dog for a few years. Other cats are unknown. He is currently confined to the basement and very sad about it. Dodger is still living in the basement and is meowing at the top of the stairs. It is breaking their hearts but they can’t let him in the main house due to allergies. They’ve made several calls but nobody will take him except for shelters and they are really trying hard to avoid that. A new home would be great but a foster first would be lovely.
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