Bundle (short for Bundle of Joy) is a gray long hair, green eyes, very small female cat. She is current on vaccinations, negative for all on her blood test, spayed, and was born spring 2022 (approx). Frisky, is white with dark patches, yellow/green eyes, medium sized male cat with striped tail. He is current on vaccinations, negative on all on his blood test, neutered, and was born 2023 (approx). Bundle and Frisky have spent their early life living outside in the beauty of nature, fending for themselves. They both long to have a forever home together with a warm bed and loving people. Both cats are friendly and get along with other cats, They are deeply bonded, a love that cannot be broken, and so they have to be adopted together. The cat handler that has been taking care of them, saw them cross the highway several times and that's the reason for the shelter, however they are among dogs barking all day and are scared. The handler also said they love cuddles are are affectionate., and will bring only joy to your home. The one picture of them in the cage is at the shelter. Cats are currently at Bobbi and the Strays in Glendale Queens at The Shops at Atlas. 80-36 Cooper Ave, Glendale NY. Call for an appointment at 718-326-6070. You can also email nypeticare@aol.com for any information.
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