Welcome to the Pet-I-Care Family
To All of our adopters, fosters, volunteers, contributors, sponsors and for all those who have felt that unconditional love and feeling we get from animals.
Only through your help and support can we continue to rescue as many abandoned strays as we can possibly accommodate.
Pet-I-Care needs you to help the animals … that need us.
Please join the Pet-I-Care Family and help us in any way you can.
Please contact: NYPetiCare@aol.com.
Pet-I-Care depends on the collective efforts of our volunteers, our foster homes, veterinarians, trainers and behaviorists.
However, to continue our work, we need the continued support we receive from you. Our journey continues only because of your generosity over the years, and we thank you deeply for that. We also thank all of our wonderful volunteers who give the gift of their time and love.
Wish List
We rely on donated supplies for our rescued dogs.
Every bit helps tremendously, and NY Pet-I-Care and our pets are very grateful.
We are proudly 100% volunteer-run. Our dogs depend on our volunteers for shelter, transportation, socialization, handling and training.
We are a non-profit, charitable 501 (c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax-deductible. Your donation will rescue, rehabilitate & re-home dogs.
Pet of the Month
Recent Pet-I-Care News
Ringling Brothers moves elephants to Florida for retirement, breeding and research. Dr.Schmitt is the head veterinarian for Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Baily Center for elephant conservation in southern Florida, a 200-acre retirement home and breeding center...